We fully customize our approach to deliver maximum impact to your business.

Not all research questions are the same, so it is important to identify a methodology that works best for you.

We are skilled at selecting and layering the most appropriate methodologies to best answer your business questions.

With a focus in Human-Centered Research…

…we embrace the messy world of human experience. We have always been inspired by the power of sharing real human stories to humanize data and provide teams with the depth of knowledge they need to innovate strategically.  

Any good researcher knows that the methodology is only as valuable as the people we speak to. Thus, we employ a variety of strategies to make sure we are speaking to exactly your target audience. 

We work across all life cycles…

…weaving strategic vision and proactive planning throughout the entire process.

Foundation: Exploring|discovering.

Innovation: Designing|making.

Iteration: Engaging|supporting.

Advertising: Marketing|selling.

Pathfinding: Roadmapping/foresighting.

We use a range of methodologies to help you discover, understand & anticipate.


  • Market Segmentation

  • Target Profiling 

  • Positioning Development 

  • Attitudes and Usage 

  • Ad Testing 

  • Message Testing 

  • Customer Journey Mapping

Product Design & Development:

  • Exploratory Research

  • Concept Testing 

  • Purchase Process

  • Customer Satisfaction 

  • Feature Optimization 

  • Feature Development

Product Testing (UX):

  • User Journey Mapping 

  • Website/App Testing 

  • Product Testing 

  • User Experience 

  • Out of Box Experience (OOBE)

Foresight & Strategy: 

  • Horizon Scanning 

  • Trend Research

  • Visioning and Back-Casting

  • Expert Advice

We move between physical, digital, and experiential spaces.

Deep diving into a range of industry verticals and problem spaces.

We collaborate globally with trusted partners.

Helping you to understand region-specific insights.

Make Informed Decisions.